Hey you! if you have been struggling for maintaining and losing your weight or fat then it is going to be easy for you.
Many of us love to eat everything but we think by eating all the stuff that we want to eat lead to weight gain
First, we need to stop hating ourselves and obsessing those who eat anything and cannot gain. This all is the game of the brain.
We need to convince our minds first then it can be a piece of cake.
I see a lot of people losing weight after gaining a lot. Considering myself, I used to eat a lot and gain too but sometimes when we exceed the comfort zone, we cannot cooperate with our bodies.
The same was with me. I was not okay with my body so I just adopt some of the steps and I started to see changes in me.
Gaining and losing weight could be possible if we do for ourselves only.
Regardless of all the comments that I received, I could not manage to restrict myself until I wanted to lose for myself.
So any change that you want to bring in yourself can be easy if you want to do this for your own. Nothing can be done if you are not willing. People will always judge. Believe me either you gain or lose weight, you would be judged.
So do bring change in you for your own satisfaction.
What if I say that you can choose to walk instead of joining the gym.People who cannot make themselves able to do gym the whole time considering their busy schedule then they should prefer to walk rather than joining the gym when they are enjoying vacations and then leave the gym because of their busy schedule.
Let's share one example
There is a gym in a particular area where females can come from morning to evening and because of studies or housework they cannot manage to go so, it would not be possible for females.
Foods to avoid
Now the very thing you need to do is cutting off the food items that are packaged. Stop shop packaged foods
Like biscuits, cornflakes, chips or bakery products, etc. These items are very common in our homes. Before my weight loss journey, I did not consider these things as fats.
We consider these things as ordinary but these cannot help us to bring change.
Intake of water
Water intake is very important. We all know about the importance of water. But for some people, consuming water is the hardest.
What we can do about water is to add something like adding lemon can help us to drink water easily. If you add some lemon juice and cucumber slices in a jug and then consume it a whole day, it would be so refreshing.
It is said that lukewarm water works
Well, a huge yes! It works. What you can do is to add lemon and honey in lukewarm water and take before your breakfast. Kinda easy?
Eating everything
I cannot say that you need to restrict yourself completely that you crave for. You can take some of your favorite food. Let's say you just start to restrict all the fat and after 3 to 4 days you crave for your favorite brownie.
What can you do it take some ( 1 or 2 bites) to please your tastebuds? Once you start to lose weight you can add cheat days to your diet.
Cheat days depend on how much you are losing weight.
Now the question is how to maintain the weight. This is simple too. Trust me! the key is to maintain what you eat by doing some workout.
I do eat everything but I try to do some walk in order to maintain my weight. The tricky point here is maintaining.
What not to do
Some people find maintenance of weight harder because they lose weight by starving.
Here is the point
You cannot lose weight by starving yourself but if you lose weight somehow, you cannot maintain your weight for a long time.
These are some easiest tips that helped me so how cannot they help you?
Just remember that consistency is going to get through all this.
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