You need to improve, not to change

If you want to do something productive in your life then first you need to improve yourself. Self-improvement does not mean that you have to change yourself. It really means to improve yourself. There is a lot of difference between changing yourself and improving yourself.

First, you need to accept yourself the way you are then you can work on yourself. You do not want to change the things you do not like in you, you simply can enhance the things to look them better and feel you awesome

There are many things that a man can improve in himself
For example
You have a habit that you want to improve then you can improve simply by giving time to it and working on it
Habits are of different types that you want to improve. Some people behave childishly and they always receive such comments, " oh! you behave so childishly why are you like that? you need to change yourself"
but why do you want to change yourself? Why don't you just enhance yourself just by working on it? It may sound awkward to some people but there is a need to improve yourself rather than change yourself.

In my opinion, improving yourself leaves a healthier impact on your mind because you are not going to hate something in yourself. You just want to improve your habits and you accept them.

The day you start to change something in yourself that you really don't want to change it will affect you drastically 

So how can you improve yourself? Here I gather some tips that will really work for you

  1.  Have a positive attitude toward your habits. If you are positive then you can gain a lot. You are really going to gain a lot of improvement. The same thing which you will do with a negative attitude is going to destroy your peace and do nothing for the improvement.
  2. Just accept yourself and never considering people lower. Never think that you are better than them. Actually, you can do better than you did before but calling yourself better than people is not going to work. The opposite behavior brings humility in yourself. Humility eventually affects you positively.
  3. Consistency in everything. The habit that you want to improve is not going to improve within some days. You need to stay consistent. You need to work patiently. Being consistent is key to accomplishing improvement.
  4. Obviously, the way you think is going to work for you. As a positive attitude, positive thinking is what that is going to help you in pursuing your objective
  5. One thing that can help you in staying motivated is to add things in your surrounding. Change your room to an inspiring place. Add notes in your surrounding that reminds you of your worth and to stay consistent. 
These are simple yet important tips that will guide you to improve yourself. Inspiring things are going to work for you so stay inspired with these things and achieve your best version.
