Tips to overcome your fear in front of people.

Fear is the strongest emotion of all. It may be perceived threat or danger that has strong influence on us. Fear is what that can destroy a person if he can't cope up with it.

Overcoming fear, anxiety, phobia is not easy. Fear is natural and it helps us to decide the circumstances that we face and can be controlled to the some extent 
But phobia is persistent fear that is difficult to control. 
Fear are of many types but the fear of public speaking is difficult to control as we all face on regular basis.
Speaking to your professor, seniors whom you've never interacted with, presentations etc all require control on our emotions. 
Speaking to people proves hardest for some.It's difficult to talk , interact with people especially when there are a lot around you. The hesitation you feel can be limitless

The presentations and speeches in which you've many people around you require courage, effort and the ability to grip your fear during talking.

Here are some points that can help us when we are about to talk to people during speeches or presentation etc.

  • Practice

Practice can help us to speak better in front of people. It helps us to speak fluent and better.Elbert Hubbard said, "the only way to learn to speak, speak and speak and  speak and speak and speak and speak. 

  • Record yourself
Some people don't want to listen their voices in recording but it's a best way to listen your recorded voice before standing in front of people.
  • Your audience
There are still some people who aren't liking your speech, still tired, yawning and sleepy.
There may come a time when you look at the audience you spot a sleepy person in your audience that rises fear of rejection in you but you have to accept this"you can't make everyone happy"
  • Mirror is your bestfriend
I always find this a best trick to overcome your fear. Whenever i have presentations, I do prefer to look in the mirror and do practise.
It can help you reduce the hesitation when you learn how to see yourself, walking, speaking and all the gestures.

  • The impact of your talking 
The speed of your talking is very important. It helps your audience to understand that what are you saying. 
Speaking too fast will create problems as people can't concentrate on your material that you deliver
  • Light exercises
Doing exercises help us a lot in managing your emotions at the time when you are delivering your message. We can make it a habit to exercise everyday so that it can strengthen ourselves.
 I hope these points can help some of you.
